#jonerys moodboard
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moondancer71 · 3 months ago
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'Cause I believe that we were supposed to find this. So, even in a different life, you still would've been mine. We would've been timeless.
Summary: Screenwriter, Daenerys Targaryen, has landed the job of a lifetime, to remake the 1947 holiday classic, His Merry Wife! The original made Jon Stark a household name. However, he tragically died on Christmas Eve, 1948, cutting his promising career short. Dany’s boss, Tyrion Lannister, President of Golden Lion Productions, rejects Dany’s changes to the film’s ending, which would remove the heroine’s happy ever after with her love interest. Tyrion sends Dany to Highgarden Castle in hopes that visiting the filming location during the holiday season will spark Dany’s creativity and renew her belief and love for the original ending. While on a tour of the castle, Dany turns over a magical hourglass that transports her back to 1947 during the filming of His Merry Wife! Will she be able to return to her own time without changing history?
Ice and Fire Jonerys Discord
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snowxstormworld · 2 months ago
Jonerys Winter Wonderland 2024 - Masterlist ❄️
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Our sincerest thanks to everyone who shared their creative works for Jonerys Winter Wonderland 2024! In between the dreary days of December and holiday craziness, you gave us a perfect excuse to curl up with our favorite cup of hot chocolate and enjoy the naughty and nice shenanigans of our favorite couple.
And a BIG shoutout to the #JONERYS fandom for supporting our artists by reading, reblogging, and commenting on their works. Here’s to a Jonerys-filled 2025!
Below is the master list for #JonerysWinterWonderland2024:
☃️ Day 1: Holiday Magic; All I want for Christmas/Yuletide/Winter Solstice is You (Naked)
A Land of Winter by @rhaegarblackfire
nobody ought to be alone (on christmas) by @olsenbcttany
The Theory of Time by @september-again
i’ll be fine and dandy by @magalidragon
⛄️ Day 2: There’s no place like home for the holidays; A kinky Kris Kringle gift exchange
A Gift for Life by @nikita2580
(i gotta know) where do lonely hearts go by @olsenbcttany
From riches to rags. by @rhaegarblackfire
☃️ Day 3: Baby it’s Cold Outside; Who needs Santa when you have me?
Dangerous game by @rhaegarblackfire
I wrapped with a note (saying I love you; I meant it) by @olsenbcttany
For All You Give (I'll Give It Back to You) by @buttertheflame
☃️ Day 4: Kiss Me Under the Mistletoe; Ice & Fire; Naughty & Nice
Mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it, but a kiss can be deadlier if you mean it! by @rhaegarblackfire
Milk of Amnesia by @aiea3414
☃️ Day 5: Cheers to the New Year; A sexy sleigh ride; free choice
TRY ME by @justheoreo
Oops, (We) Did It Again by 7empest
The Last Holiday by @leesielex
unadulterated loathing by @olsenbcttany
The Kingmaker by @rhaegarblackfire
*special thanks to @youwerenevermine for making the beautiful header for the event.
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leesielex · 3 months ago
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The Last Holiday
Summary: Dany Targaryen has just arrived at her dream resort to spend the Holiday Season. Once a shy woman who kept her head down and let others walk all over her, a recent event in her life has changed her perception. Now she is grabbing life by the jingle bells and living to the fullest. Not even Jon Snow, the arrogant and out of touch, wealthy, CEO of Starklannd Department stores, where she worked in retail, can ruin her holiday. Though he may not be able to say the same for her.
Preview: Podrick dodged the bustling people with expertise. All the guests around them were dressed in designer clothes, their outfits and accessories costing more than most people’s houses. When he reached the center, he noticed her lagging behind to take in her surroundings, and stopped to wait for her. As she reached his side, a familiar face walked past her smiling curiously.
“Senator,” Dany greeted.
“Miss,” he nodded back, genuine interest in his mismatched eyes.
“Well, I suppose I know why Senator Lannister was unable to attend the meeting,” she murmured to herself, shaking her head in disappointment. When she smirked up at the bellhop, she watched him scrutinize her from her Martellmart boots to her Starklannd parka, trying to figure out who she was and if she was important.
Raising a bushy brow at him, she waited, amused. This seemed to shake him out of it, gesturing for her to approach the reception desk to check-in.
“Daenerys Targaryen,” she said, giving her name and passport to the buxom woman smiling slyly behind the desk.
Her green eyes already focused on the screen as she typed her info into the computer. Dany leaned over and squinted to read her name tag. ‘Ros’.
“I’m sorry, Madam Targaryen, your room is not quite ready. We were not expecting you for two more hours.”
Dany smiled fondly. “Well, Ros, I wasn’t expecting to get here by helicopter either. Can you please see if another room is ready? My time is precious these days.”
“Of course.”
The keyboard continued clacking as Ros went back to her screen so Dany let her eyes wander. A giant tree decorated with ornaments and ribbon stood tall next to the grand staircase. It had to be twenty feet high, dwarfing her petite frame as she strained her neck to see the enormous star on top.
Poinsettias were arranged on each side of the desk, sitting on tables in a lounge area, and hanging from the walls. Golden statues of children of the forest watched from the top of columns. She studied the painting of the wolves above, the enchanting way they frolicked as a pack on one side and sat in awe and facing what she now noticed was a weirwood tree in the center, its crimson leaves and bleeding smile staring down at her.
She knew the north believed in the Old Gods and the weirwood trees were how they believed they could speak to their gods, and their gods could watch over them, and answer their prayers. Only a handful of trees still stood, though she hadn’t a clue where one may find one. The more she gazed upon the ethereal scene above her, the more she felt transported into it.
If she closed her eyes she could feel the cold wind upon her cheeks, the rough bark under her palm as she whispered her most secret desire. Would the old Gods answer them if her own wouldn’t?
“Doesn’t that ceiling ever just make you wanna cry?” Dany asked wistfully.
“I never noticed before.,” Ros mumbled as she typed into her computer, the keys clicking and clacking. “The only room available is the presidential suite. It is 4,600 dragons a night,” Ros told her hesitantly, her eyes darting to her plain clothes.
“I’ll take it.”
“Madam, it is quite a bit more expensive than your original room. Are you sure you don’t wish to wait. We have a seating area and lots to do in the area while you wait.”
“I would like the presidential suite, please, Ros.”
“Madam Targaryen. I know you will find our presidential suite most comfortable,” Podrick appeared out of thin air at her side, giving a pointed look at the woman behind the counter before smiling down at her and holding out his arms to escort her to her room.
Walking back to the elevators, she heard a voice say, “Mr. Snow, can you sign my book?”
Following Podricks line of sight, she saw a man in a grey suit with dark curls pulled into a knot at the back of his head. Even from where she stood, she could see his god-like body, muscles so strong they looked like they might tear through the expensive material that clung so perfectly it looked like it was made for him.
Well, it is Mr. Snow, it was made for him. Dany rolled her eyes. A red-headed woman stood next to him, her hair twisted into an elegant coiffe. He faced Dany as he turned to grab the book to sign.
“Jon Snow.”
Click to read on AO3
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arielchelby · 10 months ago
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Under the Same Stars / Ch 12 / Whatever You Tell Me, I Will Believe You
“It’s not about a girl and a singing tree,” she told him in a whisper, “it’s about a man who hears a woman's song coming out of a weirwood.” Her heart began to race, her mind catching up with her own words while the bard recounted a tale very much like her own. “The woman’s song is sad and mournful,” she translated. “‘I’m a woman of Valyria, the Children have stolen me over again, the tree seemed to say. I stood upon the hill, and the wind did rise, and the sound of thunder rose across the land.” Dany swallowed as her eyes misted. “I placed my hands on the white bark, and I traveled to a far and distant land where I lived for a time among strangers who became lovers and friends.’”
Breathless now, she wasn’t sure what was real and what was not.
“I know this story,” Jon said. “They’re always about maidens traveling far from home.”
Sorrow clutched her heart as the story continued to unfold. “But one day, I saw the moon come out, and the wind rose once more. I touched the weirwood, and traveled back to my own land.” Dany lay a hand over her heart as she took it all in. “She went back through the weirwood.”
“Aye,” Jon conceded simply. “They always do.”
Thank you @moondancer71 for beta reading!
Read here on A03
Ice & Fire Jonerys Discord Server
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littledancer9 · 6 months ago
Jonerys Orgasmic October 2024 💋
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Day 5: Trick or treat, give me something good to eat…
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Nothing tastes
As sweet as you
Enjoy a little drabble I wrote in about ten minutes at @libradoodle1's encouragement before posting, because I didn't have time for a full-fledged fic, but these moodboards deserve to be seen.
Butterflies swirled in her chest and throat as she reached a shaking hand to his plump lips. Barely parted, hot breath with traces of champagne lingered between them, silence clicking in her ears. Dark eyes behind thick lashes flickered from her own to her outstretched fingers. And in a moment, a blink, the foreboding trepidation that had followed them since she climbed in his passenger seat was gone. His hand cupped the base of her neck, hairsprayed and teased curls tangling between his knuckles as he pulled her closer. She stumbled across the bed on her knees, scraping her fingers behind his ear for purchase as he broke down the wall between them with a savage kiss. Teeth and tongue, champagne and cherry sweetness exchanged between them, too far gone to feel the tingling pain of the other pulling their hair. A man she thought marble and stone, now warm and pliant, but still oh so hard, beneath her curious touch.  “Jon,” she panted, licking her lips, eyes racing in the dark. “We said we wouldn’t.” The tension in his hand gnarled in her hair released, blood rushing back to her scalp. “Shouldn’t and wouldn’t are very different things. Which is it for you?”
Thanks to @snowxstormworld for hosting another fabulous event! Hope everyone else is enjoying Christmas in October as much as I am!
Posted on AO3 if you want to share some love!
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alwaysdaenerys · 5 months ago
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Jonerys Falling For You 2024 | Day 1: Cursed
Teaser and moodboard for my new fic, “burn under the same sky”
After a three-day storm blew their cargo ship off course, Captain Jon Snow and his crew were stranded on a deserted island somewhere in the Narrow Sea. With rapidly diminishing provisions, the desperate sailors could find no animals to hunt while they repaired their broken hull, just tropical plants and insects to forage for sustenance in the vast forest. On the third week of isolation, a starving Ghost returned from one of his nightly roamings, snow-white tail burnt blacker than coal. Donning battle armor, Jon went to investigate who or what could have possibly done this much damage to his beloved companion. At the center of the forest, he and a wary Grenn happened upon a hollowed-out rock formation, filled with the charred bones of a variety of woodland creatures. It was no wonder the men were unable to find fresh meat of any kind: there was a wild dragon here.
Venturing further into the fathomless darkness, Jon’s sturdy boatswain grabbed his arm. “I don’t like the look of this place, captain.”
“There,” the black-haired seafarer shone his lantern over a trail of sooty footprints on the ground. “Those are human, and a small one at that. We assumed ourselves alone on this island, Grenn, but it seems we are decidedly not.”
The skeleton pieces became increasingly numerous as they continued forward with hesitation, the most brittle of them crunching loudly with each step, some turning to ash under the weight of their boots. Even with all the fire damage scorching the walls and ceiling, the deep cavern was ice cold, though Jon wasn’t sure this fact inspired confidence.
“Hello?” he shouted, lifting his meager light.
A startled, high-pitched yelp answered him, and the young northerner sprinted towards the sound, concerned. His friend lagged, surely fearful of what lay ahead. But they would have been able to hear the dragon’s distinct breathing if it was truly inside.
“Please, we mean you no harm! My crew and I have been ship-wrecked a few miles east,” Jon explained, heart thrumming rhythmically, like a snare drum. “Do you require assistance?”
No further communication from the disembodied voice was uttered, but he was not deterred. A ringing silence followed, but soon after taking a sharp left turn, his lamp suddenly caught on a bright white-blonde mange of hair, matted and filthy from lack of bathing. Completely naked and shivering in a small crevasse located at the far side of the cave, a woman came into view.
“Gods…” Grenn swore before dropping his shortsword with a loud clatter.
Jon immediately shed his thick sable cloak and wrapped it around the stranger, meaning to carry her delicate body to warmth and safety. She was saturated with the heady scent of smoke: he didn’t think it came from a mere wood fire, just with the amount of burned carnage piled around them, and Jon was intimately acquainted with the smell of tobacco—his first mate always had a brandy pipe between his teeth—therefore that could be ruled out too. It was clearly a dragon’s lair, ample proof surrounding them from every side: so where was the creature?
“Are you real?” she inhaled raggedly, coiling as close to him as possible.
Captain Snow blushed to feel the heat of her breath on his bare neck. “I am fairly certain, yes.”
The girl raised her head slightly, trying to make him out in the shadows. With no warning, a pair of glowing amethyst eyes somehow locked in on his gaze and Jon almost dropped her in shock.
“I have dreamt of this moment a thousand times, brave son of the First Men: of my savior battling the unknown winds and currents of the Sunset Sea to break the crone’s spell.”
Confused by the vast majority of her statement, Jon glanced in the direction of a mute Grenn. “Wait, what do you mean, the Sunset Sea?”
“A red witch expelled me to the furthest edge of the world when I ignited the Fourteen Flames.”
She was obviously delirious, speaking of events that had occurred countless millennia ago. And they were marooned nowhere near the Sunset Sea, because the Lady Lyarra had been journeying from White Harbor to the Bleeding Tower of Tyrosh to transport a load of textiles and blackbelly rum. But the peculiar lady was lucid enough to have guessed his Westerosi lineage, even specifying that he was of the North. Perhaps she was as lost as Jon and his fellow sailors, left here to die by someone who viewed her as a threat. Left here to be devoured by a dragon most likely.
“Does my illustrious deliverer have a name?” she asked softly upon exiting the cave in his arms, mouth right next to Jon’s ear.
In the waning afternoon sun, Snow finally got a proper look at the girl, and the air was promptly seized from his throat, as if he had been pushed from the bow of a ship and into the tumultuous sea. She was quite possibly the most beautiful thing he had ever seen before: no more than eight and ten, the porcelain skin of her arms and legs was pristine, unblemished from the elements; her eyelashes, lush and pale, framed the roundest of pupils and piercing purple irises, so supernaturally expressive and boundless, more hypnotizing than the rest of her; a subtle swathe of tan freckles graced the attractive slope of her nose and noble cheekbones; and finally, her heart-shaped features were perfected by a plump set of baby pink lips that were practically begging to be sampled. Shaking his head from its daze, Jon coughed uneasily: he had encountered many a Lysene lady in his two years as part of Her Majesty’s navy, but they were disgusting trolls compared to her. Based on her story though, the implication was that she was native to Valyria, which was impossible: only the Targaryens remained of that lost city. If the situation wasn’t so out of the ordinary, the girl could be considered a cannibalistic siren of maritime legend.
“You may call me Jon,” he replied, voice husky with awe. “Jon Snow of Winterfell.”
“Jon Snow,” a glistening smile graced her already gorgeous face as she traced the pad of her index finger along his jaw, slow and deliberate. “I was baptized as Daenerys, for the Valyrian moon goddess. But to you, I am ‘Dany’.”
Dany pressed her lips, plusher than the finest velvet, to the corner of Jon’s mouth and then buried her pert nose into the nape of his neck with a relieved sigh. Seemingly unable to resist the temptation, he tightened his hold on the girl protectively as he stumbled back towards camp, Grenn in his wake.
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jupiterix · 1 year ago
So It Goes ❤️
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I'm yours to keep and I'm yours to lose. You know I'm not a bad girl but I do bad things with you
For #JonerysWinterWonderland2023 hosted by @snowxstormworld, day 4.
~ Prompt: Naughty & Nice.
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libradoodle1 · 1 year ago
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“Forgive me, for I have sinned…” Jon stared through the holes of the confessional booth. No matter how dark it was inside, he always saw her clearly. She shone like a beacon of light in this world of bleakness he had found himself in.  “Aren’t we all sinners?” Her blood-red lips curved up to offer him a fleeting glimpse of a smile. “What secrets do you have?” He was doomed. A fraud. A man who ran from his past to seek safety in the order of the priesthood.  Instead, he found himself in a hell of his own making. He damned himself from the moment he tasted a bite of the forbidden fruit. “My sins are many.” “Name one.” Their eyes locked. “Daenerys.”
Happy Birthday, @jupiterix 🥳🎉🎂
Jupi, I hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration with your family and friends. You deserve all the happiness in the world and hope you like this little mb I made for your favorite trope 🤭
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miss-celestia13 · 1 year ago
‘Tis The Damn Season
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Jonerys Winter Wonderland Day One
All I want for Christmas is you!
“I can’t show up empty-handed. I need to take something for Ghost, at least. He’ll give me away otherwise.” She said, panic flaring again as Jon Snow was impossible to buy for.
The man didn’t care about receiving gifts; they’d played this song and dance before, and while she had pleaded for him to give her something to work with, he didn’t budge. While she could usually provide a list a mile long, he was happy with a cookie and a blowjob.
When Jon refuses to tell Dany what he wants for Christmas, she gives him the one thing he says he’ll always want. Her.
Day One.
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blackhawkschild-blog · 2 years ago
Happy Father's Day to @aenarsnow! Our babies and I are very lucky and grateful to have you in our lives. Thank you for being all we need, and the love you give us 24/7. After the last two years and everything we've gone through, I'm so glad to call you mine 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
The fabulous, talented and amazing @the-last-targaryens/@justwandering-neverlost made these gorgeous moodboards on my behalf for you; thank you dear for making these perfect works of art that I had to hide from him for the last few days. They are the epitat of the smutty and the fluffy that Aenar always seem to perfect in the things he does in my life 💚💚💚💚💚
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snowxstormworld · 8 months ago
Jonerys Orgasmic October 2024🍒💋🍷🍓
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Your favorite October event is back!
Join us for the 4th annual Jonerys Orgasmic October ‘24, a steamy, sexy, pleasure-filled week celebrating our favorite duo. From September 30th - October 4th, we’ll reblog your edits, gif sets, fanart, moodboards, and fanfiction and list them in our AO3 collection. We encourage you to have fun with the prompts below. Get creative and feel free to spice it up as much or as little as you want!    
🍷 Day 1 (09/30) I want you so bad. - ❤️ on all fours 📸 spread open ❤️ on your knees 📸 anal
🍷 Day 2 (10/01) Beg for it. - ❤️ lingerie 📸 role playing ❤️ stripping
🍷 Day 3 (10/02) I hate you! And love you! - ❤️ age difference 📸 cheating with each other ❤️ public sex
🍷 Day 4 (10/03) How wet can you get? - ❤️ water sex 📸 edging ❤️ dirty talk 📸 sexting
🍷 Day 5 (10/04) Trick or treat, give me something good to eat… - ❤️ free day 📸 witching hour
To join us, post your content to your own Tumblr blog and/or to AO3, mention @snowxstormworld, tag #JonerysOrgasmicOctober2024  and #SnowxStormWorld and we’ll reblog your work!
The main pairing must be Jonerys (Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen. Also, please no explicit scenes of Jon or Dany with other characters).
Prompt mixing is fine - just let us know which prompt you’re featuring on the day you’re posting.
If you fall behind schedule, go ahead and post on whatever day you can. As long as you mention and tag us, we’ll find and reblog your stuff!
ALL IN THE FANDOM ARE WELCOME. Our main goal is nurturing fandom content. As long as your work follows the above rules and you keep things positive, you are welcome!
Feel free to reach out with questions, we love hearing from you! Or DM us (@jupiterix @libradoodle1 @jellybeanficwriter)
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leesielex · 2 months ago
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Alright, I'm leaking it. The moodboard for my next fic. COMING SOON!
You know those annoying good reads novel or short reels ads on FB, YT and TT, about some poor girl who is shunned by her pack and rejected by her alpha mate until... a visiting alpha from another pack comes to negotiate and swoops in and saves her from her terrible pack? Well I made a fanfic very loosely based on those.
Dany Stormborn, an orphan in and out of foster care her whole life, has run out of options in Kings Landing. A nice Northern couple takes her in, Davos and Marya Seaworth. As a senior at Winterfell High, she can't help but notice how strange the town is. The entire place is obsessed with wolves, gargoyles, statues, decals, signs, the school mascot, every inch is decorated in wolves. Then there is the fact that everyone she meets seems to be hiding a secret from her, whispering behind her back, or staring at her oddly. And no one treats her more strangely than Jon Snow,
Winterfell High's most popular guy. Girls fawn over him, guys follow him like he is a rock star and they all want to be his friend, and freshmen run at his beck and call, bringing anything he needs with a snap of his fingers. Even the teachers seem afraid to chastise him. But the weirdest thing of all is how she felt when their hands accidentally brushed, like fire crawled up her arm to sear her heart. When she looked up into Jon's eyes, he looked like he wanted to devour her, like a wolf would his prey.
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arielchelby · 7 months ago
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The Curse of Crystal Lake
Friday the 13th Jonerys Remix
Happy Friday the 13th! When I saw it was this week, I couldn’t resist! I hope all of you who enjoy scary movies (like me) watch some tonight.
Credit for the Dany edit goes to @moondancer71!
Fall is upon us and I hope you'll participate in the Jonerys Falling for You 2024 event at the end of October with something spooky/spicy/sweet! 🎃🦇👻🔥
Don't be shy, you still have a little more than 6 weeks to create!
Ice & Fire Jonerys Discord Server
Snippet below the 🔪
Dany’s skin was hot and sticky from a day in the sun and on the water. The only thing between her and her boyfriend, Jon Snow, was her flimsy bikini top and a pair of jean shorts he’d already unbuttoned. He had her pinned against the cabin they were supposed to be cleaning.  She broke away from his mouth and came up for air. “We should get back to work.” “That’s what I said.” His hands massaged her hips. “Until you convinced me otherwise.”  Dany laughed, and looked over his shoulder. For a moment, it felt like someone was there, but it was only them. The other camp counselors had chores of their own.  Biting her bottom lip, she took Jon’s hand and invited him inside the cabin. It was dusty and the air was stale. So long as there wasn’t rain, she decided she’d leave the windows open overnight to air it out. But she’d worry about that later.  She kicked off her sandals and climbed into one of the empty bottom bunks, and smiled up at her boyfriend. He didn’t make her wait long, climbing over her and trapping her between his strong arms. They’d been at Camp Crystal Lake less than a day, and they already couldn’t keep their hands off each other. She would try her best to make it through the summer without getting fired for indecent behavior.  Jon was kissing her neck when she heard a strange sound.  She grabbed his arms, and craned her neck to look about the room. “Did you hear that?” She asked.  Jon paused for a moment. “No,” he answered, and went back to kissing her.  Dany pushed away her unsettled feelings, and ran her fingers through Jon’s dark hair.  It was probably nothing.
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iceandfirejonerysdiscord · 2 years ago
Happy first day of fall! 🍂🎃👻 Celebrate the autumn season with our Falling For You event taking place in a few short weeks! 🧡
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Falling for You // Jonerys // Autumn Aesthetic
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littledancer9 · 9 months ago
It’s Always Yes with you
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A Collab with & Moodboards by @axdragons
For @snowxstormworld Jonerys Summer Lovin’ 24
Summary: Jon surprises Dany with a long weekend getaway at his family's cabin in The Riverlands. No cell service. No WiFi. Beautiful river views. Just the two of them and the chance to go down memory lane playing games spurred on by one of their favorite games from college: The Jar.
If only Dany liked camping.
Confessions, naughty dares, and silly games ensue as they shed the inhibitions of daily life.
Read now on AO3!
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alwaysdaenerys · 1 year ago
come get a taste
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Teaser/summary for Part 2 of “i’m too embarrassed to say i like it”
Jonerys Orgasmic October ‘23: Day 4 | Water sex @snowxstormworld
Jon Snow and his daughter fly to Dorne for a long, relaxing weekend: but unbeknownst to his ex-wife, he is also accompanied by the former nanny. One night, after little Aly has been put to bed, the White Wolf finds Daenerys Targaryen skinny-dipping in one of the private pools at their resort in the picturesque Water Gardens. Barely stripping out of his own clothes, he joins her for a wet and wild rendezvous in the flickering torchlight. This is followed closely by a second romp in the hot tub and a third in the sauna...
(I had hoped to write the sequel by today, but a personal emergency sort of blew up my life, so I've posted the moodboard on here and AO3 in time for the Jonerys event. I will eventually write this fic, so stay tuned!)
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